October Art Exhibit

Andrew Wallach

It’s not spin art…it’s Revolution Art. 

Andrew has always created art hoping to elicit some value of shock from his viewers. An art school dropout in 1987, a type of rogue artist self-taught professional photographer between 2000-2012

August 2012 Andrew began an abstract painting project, self proclaiming it “Revolution Art” with music being his prime source of inspiration and a revolving easel Andrew uses centrifugal force to push the paint across the canvas rendering a type of vibrant cosmic fulmination. Each painting is inspired by one band or musician, each painting is a reflection of the music.

Andrew states that each painting is a self portrait of his thoughts, as the music enters his mind, it flows through his body and onto the canvas, his work is a union of chaos and control, his processes a vigorous performance putting his body and strength into each painting.